[SwissEntry] file could not be opened ""

Bent Terp Bent.Terp at cgb.ki.se
Fri Mar 8 10:23:00 EST 2002


I'm getting a strange error when retrieving protein sequences. The
default view, "SwissEntry" just shows the error icon and the message
'file could not be opened "" '. (I think the two doublequotes are
significant here.)

When I then press the link for a "TextEntry", everything shows up as
you'd expect.

The same problem does NOT occur with dna sequences, i.e. "EmblEntry"
displays as expected.

Any suggestions?

with kind regards,
	Bent Nagstrup Terp
	Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics
	Karolinska Instituttet
	Berzelius Väg 35
	171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

PS If anybody wants to view it online, the "SwissEntry" can be seen
(or rather, NOT seen...) at
which obviously has links to first the "TextEntry" and then onwards to

PPS Apologies to Don Gilbert, I have some indication that you replied
to my previous posting regarding NFS indices, but our newsserver here
at Karolinska has been misbehaving, so I never got to read your reply.
Could you please email me with it? Tnx

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