about hyperlinking to an SRS server

Tim Hulsen thulsen at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 10 05:19:47 EST 2001

mlush at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk (Mr. M.J. Lush) wrote in message news:<9sina3$5bv$1 at niobium.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>...
> In article <9lj7lr$687$1 at snic.vub.ac.be>,
> Guy Bottu  <gbottu at bigben.vub.ac.be> wrote:
> >	Dear colleages,
> >
> >I do not know how many of you use hypertext pages that contain
> >hyperlinks pointing to an SRS server. I mean links like 
> ><A HREF="http://ben.vub.ac.be/srs6bin/wgetz?-e+[swissprot:papa_carpa]">
> >PAPA_CARPA</A>>From SRS version 6.1.1 on this retrieves a page with the 
> >entry a simple text instead of parsed text with hyperlinks inserted. 
> >Did you also notice this ? I have send a message to the SRS support.
> 	If you link to:-
> <http://black.vub.ac.be/srs6bin/wgetz?-id+SmGk1HYVvM+-e+[SWISSPROT:
> 	You can get html parsing, exactly what 'SmGk1HYVvM' means 
> and how stable it is I have no idea (I've found it very hard to find 
> good documentation on wgetz) if you add +-view+SwissEntry to the
> end of the line you get the full funkey hypertext.
> 	Personally I have the opposite problem, I want to get the
> old text file for simple perl parsing and very few sites seem to
> provide this.

When using wgetz, the standard output format is * Names only *.
It is possible to change the view by adding -view+NAMEOFVIEW to the
About the id: this is used for the session log (to remind the queries
you did and which views you used). It is better to use -newId in
So, for example, a link which gives the output in the * Complete
entries * view would look like:
<a HREF="http://ben.vub.ac.be/srs6bin/wgetz?-newId+-e+[swissprot:papa_carpa]+-view+*%20Complete%20entries%20*>PAPA_CARPA</a>.
By the way, the SRS documentation contains a chapter about wgetz (in
6.1.3.: Administrator's Guide 15.2). Typing 'wgetz -help' may also be

Tim Hulsen.

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