How to get around changing .i files while indexing offline

Tim Cutts timc at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Fri Sep 24 04:06:19 EST 1999

In article <newscache$b68iif$ptj at pointy-haired-boss>,
Rodrigo Lopez <rls at ebi.ac.uk> wrote:
>There is another way of achieving what you want:
>1. Start a new UNIX session
>2. If you know how to use $SRSOFFINX you simply use it.
>OR: Check you srsdb.i for or add/edit something like this:
>   $libloc:[@EMBL_DB dir:"$dataRootF/embl/"]
>      indexDir:"$dataRootS/srsindex/"
>      offDir:"/ebi/services/ext/data/embl/"]
>offDir is the location of the new embl files you want to index.
>$SRSOFFINX is the location where you will store temporarily the index files.
>3. Do an srscheck embl.
>4. check the content of $SRSETC/srsupdate
>If everything is to your satisfaction you can start the indexing and
>continue to query the old embl database in the meantime.

No, Rodrigo, that doesn't work, as he said in his initial posting,
because the embl.i file has to be edited for the new divisions.  This
then means that even though you're building offline, the old inices will
start returning the wrong entries, because the embl.i file has changed.

You need to have an offline version o the database definition as well,
and SRS does not have that.  There are two solutions:

1)  Have a parallel installation of SRS on the same machine which you
use only for index building.  You can then copy the index files across
once its done, update the embl.i file in your online SRS, run srssection
and hey presto.  You do need to be very careful that the .i files are
exactly the same on both installations.

2)  Use the same scheme, but with completely separate machines.

I believe this is supposed to be fixed in SRS 6, but for commercial
sites like mine, buying a new faster machine is more cost-effective than
upgrading SRS.


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