SRS5.x installation

Tim Cutts timc at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Fri Jun 11 08:41:43 EST 1999

In article <7jr0fb$bec$1 at saphir.jouy.inra.fr>,
Jean-Charles Lescure <lescure at versailles.inra.fr> wrote:
>I have a problem to install SRS5.x on Linux (Mandrake 5.3 i.e French version
>of RH 5.2 + KDE 1.1 with kernel 2.036.3 and glibc 2.07.29).
>srsinstall all failed with cc or gcc with the message:
>cc  -I/mycoscope/html/srs505/bin/linux  -o
>/mycoscope/html/srs505/bin/linux/libsrs.a -lm
>/mycoscope/html/srs505/bin/linux/libsrs.a(icadebug.o): In function
>/mycoscope/html/srs505/src/icadebug.c:79: undefined reference to
>/mycoscope/html/srs505/src/icadebug.c:89: undefined reference to
>make: *** [/mycoscope/html/srs505/bin/linux/nodd] Error 1
>srsmake: Stopping due to Error 2
>srsinstall: Stopping due to Error 1
>Note there was no problem with my old system RH 5.1. (but SMP and Network
>problems :-( )
>May be a libraries problem?
>Any Idea?

1)  Upgrade to SRS 5.1.  It won't fix this problem, but you might as
well do it anyway.

2)  The problem is in a #include statement somewhere (I can't remember
where).  I think you need to change a #include <termio.h> to #include
<termios.h> or vice versa  The change needs to be made either in
icadebug.c itself, or in one of the include files it uses.


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