blast on srs5.1

Francois Jeanmougin pingouin at chouchen.u-strasbg.fr
Thu Jan 15 09:34:07 EST 1998

In article <34BE13D4.22C685A0 at ebi.ac.uk>,
	Thure Etzold <etzold at ebi.ac.uk> writes:

> The BLAST parser in the SRS distribution is for an older version of BLAST. I
> would be really grateful for suggestions on a syntax that is suitable for
> different
> versions.

	I hope Fred will be able to. Just wait (if you can't, just hack
DBWatcher C code from the current distribution :
	ftp://ftp-igbmc.u-strasbg.fr/pub ). In fact, I can't remember, if
it works for all the Blast versions or only for the new ones. 
Can't check now. It would take less time waiting for Fred.

>  We use here at EBI indeed the GCG tools to generate the databanks
> in
> FASTA format. The parser that reads the title line of each BLAST entry should
> be able to read a variety of formats but there is no way of telling whether
> entry
> name or accession number comes first.

	If you check the format of what you are currently reading? I
think you can use, from both names, the one that share the format
you expect, no? Just an idea...


François Jeanmougin     | groupe de bioinformatique / bioinformatics groupe
tel:(+33) 3 88 65 32 71 | IGBMC BP 163 67404 Illkirch France

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