TRANSFAC 3.3-Announcement

Thomas Heinemeyer thh at gbf.de
Tue Feb 10 10:25:24 EST 1998

The TRANSFAC server now has made accessible the new release 3.3 of the
TRANSFAC database (Heinemeyer et al., 1998, Nucleic Acids Res. 26:364-370):


TRANSFAC is a database on eukaryotic transcription factors and their
binding sites. As new features, it visualizes the items of the feature list
(FACTOR table) as well as element positions within regulatory regions (GENE
table). Moreover, the data volume has increased comprising now 2285 FACTOR
and 4602 SITE entries.

A new extended search option is available. The SRS 5.1.0 version on the
TRANSFAC server also offers access to the databases TRRD (Transcription
Regulatory Region Database, Institute of Cytology and Genetics [ICG],
Novosibirsk, Russia; N. A. Kolchanov/A. Kel et al.) and to COMPEL, a
database on composite elements (joint effort by ICG and GBF). Available at:

As many users know, the sequence information contained in the SITE table is
used by PatSearch 1.1 to interactively scan DNA sequences for potential TF
binding sites. This program is accessible at:

An updated library of matrices for transcription factor binding sites is
provided which can be used for sequence analysis with MatInspector release
2.1 (Quandt et al., 1995, Nucleic Acids Res. 23:4878-4884). 
This tool is available at 
or at
(Thomas Werner and coworkers).

Please, forward this mail to your colleagues which may be interested in
using these tools.

On behalf of the TRANSFAC team:
Edgar Wingender
Thomas Heinemeyer

GBF - Braunschweig, February 10, 1998


TRANSFAC-Team			Tel.:	+49(0)531 6181 427 
Ges. f. Biotechn. Forsch. mbH		Fax:	+49(0)531 6181 266 
Abt. Genomanalyse			E-Mail: transfac at gbf.de
Mascheroder Weg 1			http://transfac.gbf.de/
D-38124 Braunschweig

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