Dear all,
I would like to query Unigene (the clustred EST database) and dbEST (the EST
database) with SRS simultaneously. Unfortnately, I have not yet found an
SRS server that provides indexing for BOTH of them (searched using SRS on
Is it possible to 'save' data and pass them from one server to another?
For example, could I pull a list of EST accesion numbers from dbEST on
one server, save that set of accession numbers and get hold of all the
clusters in UniGene that contain these EST accession numbers?
I do not have that facilities to index dbEST and UniGene 'in house'.
could you please cc your postings to stuart at (with NO_JUNK removed)
as I am currently unable to check on newsgroups regularly.
Thanks for any help you may provide.
best regards,
Stuart Rison.