There is likely a simple way to do what you want w/
the current SRS software -- others may be able to answer
I have a complex answer the the general task of
listing item descriptions from SRS query results.
I wont' go into details now, but the source code for
a different SRS interface is available from me if
anyone wants it. See for instance,genbank,gbest+-fall~/.bin/asksrs.html?esterase
The 'asksrs' program used at IUBio relies on a file
of Titles to items, associated with each database. The titles
are generated at indexing time. At query time, the only
files touched by a query result listing are the index
files, including titles. That makes this quicker
than standard SRS and independent of the original data
files for the most common job of listing lots of matches
to a query. Only when a user fetches an individual
record does the original database get openned.
In article <3422FA48.3077 at>,
Filip Fuma <fumaf1 at> wrote:
>The SRS QueryResult page shows a list links of the form:
>> <database name>:<ID value>
>>We would like to add to each line some explanatory test, such as
>the description field. It could look something like this:
>>Is there a way to accomplish this in SRS5?
-- d.gilbert--biocomputing--indiana u--bloomington--gilbertd at