Memory and indexing links

Martin Hilbers mph at dl.ac.uk
Tue Nov 25 04:53:17 EST 1997

Hi folks,

With the latest release of EMBL, I had to increase the  LINKxMAXIDN
constant in link.c in order to be able to build the (index) link
between EMBL and GenBank. Setting this value to 4000000 seemed to
do the trick. However, this had an unwelcome side effect:
It became impossible to build read links for libraries which are
linked to more than 5 databases, due to a lack of memory.
I suppose srsbuild allocates an amount of memory proportional to
LINKxMAXIDN for each link to be build, even if the library
is only very small. 

Anybody with a (software) solution for this ?


| Martin Hilbers http://www.dci.clrc.ac.uk/Person.asp?m.p.hilbers |
| SEQNET                |     E-mail: m.p.hilbers at dl.ac.uk        |
| Daresbury Laboratory  |     Tel:    +44-1925-603492             |
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