dessen at (Philippe Dessen) writes:
> How is it possible with wwwgetz (SRS 4 or SRS 5) and the Query Form
> to have answer to the following (not very complex) query ?
>> Description : topoisomerase
> Organism : homo sapiens
> Keyword : ! EST
>> with ! EST => error
> with * ! EST very long query and timeout.
>>With 2 queries and combining them (in the Query Manager) no problem,
>but this is not optimized !
>>[libs={embl emblnew}-Description: topoisomerase*] & [libs-Organism: homo sapiens*]
>[libs={embl emblnew}-Keywords: EST*]
>>Query "Q1 ! Q2" found 43 entries
It works on the command line (SRS 5)
getz "([libs={embl emblnew}-des:topoisomerase] &[libs-org:homo sapiens]) \
! [libs-key:est]"
You need the parentheses around the first two queries, then "not" the
third. The query form may not cover the construction you need, so
your Q1 and Q2 method may be the best for the Web interface.
Peter Rice | Informatics Division, The Sanger Centre,
E-mail: pmr at | Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
Tel: (44) 1223 494967 | Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, England
Fax: (44) 1223 494919 | URL: