SRS5 Bug in embl

Martin Hilbers mph at dl.ac.uk
Mon Jun 9 07:33:47 EST 1997

The same problem also occurs with swissprot/supdates and
genbank/gbonly/gupdates - all cases were different databases
share the same syntax. A kludge to make things work (at least
on oure site) is to define separate formats and syntaxes for
embl and the updates...  Not very elegant and I suppose that
the srs-team will come with a real solution for this bug.


| Martin Hilbers  http://www.dci.clrc.ac.uk/People/m.p.hilbers/ |
| SEQNET                |     E-mail: m.p.hilbers at dl.ac.uk      |
| Daresbury Laboratory  |     Tel:    +44-1925-603492           |
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