We want to help you to market your great software (which nobody knows about)

Francois Jeanmougin pingouin at crystal.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Oct 2 04:03:22 EST 1996

In article <PMR.96Oct2093246 at unst.sanger.ac.uk>,
	pmr at sanger.ac.uk (Peter Rice) writes:

>But the beer is better in Heidelberg :-)

	Perhaps we can try Guiness...Then Des Higgins will come with,

>SRS: the first software in the pub domain ?!

	Yep, next bioinformatics meeting in a pub, somewhere...
(We all always put our softwares in the /ftp/pub directory, no?)

Francois Jeanmougin
Service de bioinformatique / bioinformatics service
67404 Illkirch France
tel : (33) 88 65 32 71
e-mail : jeanmougin at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr
"Tout ca m'est tergal, qu'il laine ou qu'il chandail" (STTELLLA)

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