The full version of the following announcement has just been sent to
the bionet.announce moderator, etc. If you're not reading bionet.announce,
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please read it at
After the successful completion of the 1995 GNA-VSNS Biocomputing Course
(see our homepage at, OR, OR )
we are now preparing for the second edition, starting approx. April 29,
and lasting for approx. 11 weeks. The entire course material will be delivered
through the Internet, and instruction will take place via the electronic
conferencing system BioMOO at Weizmann Institute, Israel.
We are once again looking for "Consulting Students", i.e. students who are
guaranteed admission in return for helping us in technical and administrative
matters. If you're seriously interested in any of these "jobs", please
contact the course coordinator, vsns-bcd-admcoord at
(Georg Fuellen) as soon as possible !
Enrollment into the Summer 1996 course may be limited to approx. 30 students
(depending on the availability of instructors), so this is your excellent
chance for getting a free ticket to an exciting, cutting-edge learning
experience in biocomputing !
If you are _not_ interested in any of these "jobs", the one and only thing you
can do right now is to subscribe to our vsns-bcd-prospective mailing list,
by sending email to
majordomo at, with no subject, and the following body:
subscribe vsns-bcd-prospective
and wait for the announcement of more 1996 consulting student jobs, etc !
[ List of "Consulting student jobs" and the disclaimer can be found at ]
Global Network Academy (GNA) course catalog entry:
Title: Biocomputing I: Sequence Analysis
Main Coordinator: Georg Fuellen, M.Sc. (MIT, 1994),
Diplom-Inform. (Saarbruecken, 1992).
For up-to-date information, and to obtain a list of
all collaborators, please use a www/hypertext browser
(e.g. Netscape, Mosaic, Lynx) to visit
Description: Graduate students and students close to the completion of
their undergraduate studies shall be given a profound introduction into
biosequence analysis and comparison. Instructors shall guide them through
a peer-reviewed hypertext book, by means of weekly online discussion
sessions, supplemented by homework, personal advice, mailing list
discussions, and project work.
The core units shall cover Pairwise Alignment, Networking, Multiple
Alignment, Mathematical Analysis of Sequence Data, and Genetic Algorithms
and Protein Folding (Teaser Chapter).
Sponsors: VSNS, Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities
in Germany, Research Group in Practical Computer Science (Univ. of Bielefeld)
Instructor's email address: (PLEASE VISIT OUR HOMEPAGE FIRST !)
vsns-bcd-admcoord at
Schedule: Regular intervals throughout the week (to be announced)
~11 weeks, expected to start around April 29, 1996
Location: BioMOO (telnet 8888)
Level: late undergraduate (senior) or early graduate
Credits: None.
Language of Instruction: English
Status: under construction (registration is scheduled for early April 1996.)
Requirements: Technical: telnet, www/hypertext browser supporting
black&white graphics, and forms. Academic: undergraduate level maths
experience, computer science and/or molecular biology.
best wishes,
fuellen at dali.Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE, fuellen at MIT.EDU