Long sequence accession numbers!

Heikki Lehväslaiho Heikki.Lehvaslaiho at csc.fi
Fri Jul 26 02:00:50 EST 1996

Fellow SRS managers,

This happened to me and it seems it's happening to others too: When new 
EMBL entries with long accession numbers started coming in a few days 
ago, I fixed GCG but forgot SRS. 

Make sure that in the file embl.odd the line

 accnr      = ^A-Z^ ~0-9~;

has been changed to (for example)

 accnr      = ~A-Z~ ~0-9~;

And while you are at it, do the same change to genbank.odd, too.


_____ _/      _/________________________________________________
     _/      _/
    _/  _/  _/  Heikki Lehväslaiho  <Heikki.Lehvaslaiho at CSC.FI>
   _/_/_/_/_/  CSC Scientific Computing
  _/  _/  _/  Tietotie 6, P.O. Box 405, FIN-02101 Espoo FINLAND
 _/  _/  _/  Phone: +358 0 457 2076       FAX: +358 0 457 2302
    _/      The Finnish EMBnet node <http://www.csc.fi/molbio/>
__ _/_/_/_/_/___________________________________________________

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