[Bio-software] gbk2ptt

wing sze ho via bio-soft%40net.bio.net (by howingsze86 from hotmail.com)
Wed Jul 17 01:39:04 EST 2013

Dear Dr. Kropinsk,
I've been trying to use gbk2ptt for conversion for my genome sequences, but was not successful as the file generated was blank. And i've tried using different genbank files for the past few weeks but to no avail. I had sent several emails to Andre.Villegas[at]phac-aspc.gc.ca. but did not received any reply. Would like to know when can it be fixed? because gbk2ptt is the only tool available for conversion of gbk to ptt files. Would appreciate if any scripts are available. Really sorry for any inconvenience caused. thank you very much.
regards,wing sze

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