[Bio-software] (no subject)

Robby via bio-soft%40net.bio.net (by Rob.Reedijk from douglasconnect.com)
Fri Apr 9 08:25:48 EST 2010

We are happy report that we have organized almost all of the programs
for the two eCheminfo workshops taking place at Oxford University in
July-August 2010.  So while you may have already looked at the
preliminary program on the website, please consider reviewing again as
we are putting together an excellent set of extended case studies and
supporting group of workshop leaders.
The 5 day workshops take place in consecutive weeks:

July 26-30, 2010
Drug Discovery Design Methods & Applications:  Virtual screening,
structure-based drug design, cheminformatics and molecular modelling
supporting drug discovery and design, a Hands-on 5 Day eCheminfo
Workshop. Case Study approach including Kinases.  Workshop leaders
include: Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect), Alessandro Contini (University
of Milan), Paul Hawkins (OpenEye), Peter Oledzki (BioSolveIT), Katie
Simmons (University of Leeds and SimBioSys), Lance Westerhoff (Quantum
Bio), and Gerhard Wolber (Inte:Ligand)

August 2-6, 2010
Predictive ADMET Workshop: Application of Predictive ADME and
Toxicology methods to drug discovery and development, a Hands-on 5 Day
eCheminfo Workshop. Case Study Approach on ADME and Tox endpoints and
datasets.  Workshop leaders include:  Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect),
Nina Jeliazkova (Ideaconsult), Richard Judson (US EPA), David Leahy
(Discovery Bus), Glenn Myatt (Leadscope), Patrik Rydberg (University
of Copenhagen), Katya Tsaioun (Apredica), Jeffrey Wiseman
(Pharmatrope),  Sebastian Polak and Dave Turner (Simcyp), Liz Hardy
(Lhasa) and Ismael Zamora (Lead Molecular Design and Pompeu Fabra

Medical Sciences Teaching Centre,
Oxford University, Oxford, UK
facilitated by Barry Hardy
eCheminfo Community of Practice

These workshops always feature a nice balance of participation from
academia and industry and application scientists, researchers and
discovery practitioners.
Experimental testing of most promising predictions on kinase and
neglected disease targets will be carried out post-workshop and
discussed virtually.
We expect to provide more information on the workshop, case studies
and collaboration pilots in coming weeks on the website, so please
visit again for updates.
For further information and questions on the Workshop programs, please
feel free to contact me by email.

For registrations, please contact Nicki Douglas, echeminfo -[at]-
douglasconnect.com, Tel:  +41 61 851 0461

Kind regards,
Rob Reedijk

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