[Bio-software] 3Dsig: 3D Bioinfo & Comp Biophysics, 4-5 Aug. Brazil, announcement & sponsorship possibilities

3Dsig06 3Dsig06 at weizmann.ac.il
Tue Feb 14 10:06:41 EST 2006

We are happy to announce the second 3Dsig meeting focusing on Structural
Bioinformatics & Computational Biophysics:
http://3dsig.weizmann.ac.il/ August 4-5 at Fortaleza, BRAZIL

At Fortaleza, 3Dsig bridges between two major Computational Biology
Conferences: the 20th celebration of the SwissProt database
http://www.swissprot20.org/ and the ISMB annual meeting of the
International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB)
http://www.iscb.org/ismb2006/ .

3Dsig topics include:
* Structure representation, Structure prediction, Structural genomics
* Docking: protein-protein and protein-ligand interaction prediction
* Structural databases and 3D datamining
* Structure-based function prediction
* Prediction, assignment and analysis of secondary structures and domains
* Membrane protein structure prediction and analysis
* The role of geometry and energetics in protein structure and function
* Protein dynamics and simulation: folding, stability, interactions,
conformational gating
* Computer aided protein design
* Structure-based drug design and pharmacophore analysis

3Dsig 06 follows on from the successful 2004 meeting:

We welcome sponsorships. Explore opportunities at:

Looking forward your participation in 3Dsig,

3Dsig organizing and scientific committees

3dsig06 at weizmann.ac.il

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