local interproscan problems

Dale Richardson dalesan at lamar.colostate.edu
Tue Jan 4 08:00:13 EST 2005

Hello All,

I recently installed a copy of the local stand alone version of  
Interproscan on my Mac OS X machine  
(http://www.ebi.ac.uk/InterProScan/) and have followed the installation  
instructions as best I could.  After installation, I ran the suggested  
test routine to see if the program would work, but I ran into this  

20:10 # ./iprscan -cli -i ../test.seq -iprlookup -goterms > test.out
SUBMITTED iprscan-20041217-20145421

-20041217-20145421.xml unavailable : No such file or directory
iprscan submission failed: getRawEntryFromIprMatches: query iprmatches  
failed: Index file and output file have different size, index out of  
date? at /usr/local/iprscan/lib/Index/IprMatches.pm line 371

If I omit the -iprlookup option, the program will run but will be  
missing key features in the output.  Does anyone have any idea how to  
go about fixing this?  I have emailed the folks at ebi and am still  
waiting for a response.  If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me  

Thank you!

Dale Richardson	
Department of Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, 80523


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