Announce of InterProScan v1.0

Evgueni M Zdobnov zdevg at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Sep 28 11:17:02 EST 2000

This is to announce the first release of the Perl-based,
stand-alone InterProScan package.

InterPro is a collaborative project aimed at providing an
integrated layer on top of the most commonly used protein
signature databases by creating a unique, non-redundant
characterisation of a given protein family, domain or functional
site. The InterPro project home page is available at

InterProScan is a tool that scans a given protein sequence(s)
against the InterPro signature databases (at the moment -
PROSITE, PRINTS, Pfam and ProDom). InterProScan has a robust and
efficient (parallel) architecture that could benefit from
network distributed computing and support of UNIX queuing
systems, such as LSF.

InterProScan is freely available, as are all underlying scanning
applications from the EBI's ftp server:

Contact: Evgueni.Zdobnov at EBI.ac.uk

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