[ANNOUNCE] BioWurld bioinformatics resource database

Jean-Jack M. Riethoven pow at ebi.ac.uk
Fri Sep 15 08:25:36 EST 2000

Dear readers,

We are pleased to announce BioWurld, a semi-automated collection of 
categorised resources (web sites) in the field of BioInformatics
and Molecular Biology.

Besides resources that are categorised, BioWurld also included a whole lot 
of links that are (not yet) assigned to a category and which have been 
retrieved using various bioinformatics sites as starting point.

The information in BioWurld is always up-to-date, as BioWurld's spider 
visits sites once a week and updates link information (such as title, 
description, keywords). Broken links are phased out automatically.

Currently we have ~400 categorised and ~3000 uncategorised links. We are in 
the progress of adding more resources to BioWurld, but the main philosophy 
behind BioWurld is that you can add your own links as well (on the 
condition that they are related to bioinformatics and molecular biology).

We invite you to come and visit, and add your own resources as well:


BioWurld is a free service supported by a grant from EMBnet.

With kind regards,

Jean-Jack Riethoven

EMBL Outstation - Hinxton           pow at ebi.ac.uk     ICQ#: 3433929
European Bioinformatics Institute   Phone: (+44) 1223 494635      
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus        Fax  : (+44) 1223 494468
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD         URL  : http://industry.ebi.ac.uk/

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