PowerArchiver 2000 v6.00: The Ultimate Freeware Archive Utility

PowerArchiver powerarc at powerarchiver.com
Tue Sep 5 04:11:13 EST 2000

PowerArchiver 2000 v6.00 [September 1st, 2000]
Copyright (c) 2000 eFront Media, Inc.
The most powerful Freeware Archive Utility that exists...

---  Contents  ---

 - What is PowerArchiver?
 - What's new? (v6.00)
 - Feedback && Support

---  What is PowerArchiver?  ---

PowerArchiver is the most powerful and totally FREE Archive Utility... List
of some features:
   * full built-in support for ZIP, CAB, LHA(LZH), TAR,
     TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2 and BH (BlakHole) archives
   * built-in support for reading and extracting: RAR, ARJ,
     ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZip and BIPZ2 archives
   * full built-in support for XXE and UUE Internet encoded files
   * multiple disk spanning, passwords, comments, renaming files
     within archive, installing archive, checking archive for viruses
   * creating powerful ZIP, ARJ SFX, ACE SFX, RAR SFX, LHA SFX and
     BH SFX archives
   * !new! skinnable toolbar !new!
   * integrated viewer with support for TXT, RTF, BMP, JPG(JPEG),
     ICO, WMF, EMF and GIF files, ...
   * complete integration with Windows Explorer: d&d, powerful
     Explorer Shell Extensions, ...
   * tool for repairing corrupted ZIP archives, tool for converting
     between archive formats  (CAB -> LHA, ...), tool for splitting
     single ZIP archive, tool for detecting  archive type, ...
   * tool for extracting multipe archives
   * great interface similar to other popular archive utilities with
     two modes of viewing archive (Classic &  Explorer style),
     integrated file browser, ...
   * detailed help in new MS HTML Help format with the tutorial for
     beginners, ...
   * and many, many more useful and powerful features...
Don't wait! Try out this great utility!

---  What's new? (v6.00)  ---

   * skinnable toolbar
     (don't forget to visit our new selection for toolbar skins:
   * faster Explorer Shell Extensions
   * each icon for each type of archive
   * "All Archives" in "Favorites" window
   * Frozen-6 method for creating LHA archives
   * "Set Font" function
   * new redesigned "About" window
   * support for silent installations
   * smaller ZIP SFX stub size
   * faster browsing in "Add" window, sortable listing in "Add"
   * many misc. features and updates
   * many bug fixes

    For detailed list of new features and bug fixes please visit:

---  Feedback && Support  ---

    PowerArchiver and more and more information about PowerArchiver you can
find at:


    and you can contact us by e-mail:

            powerarc at powerarchiver.com

    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PowerArchiver are on the web


We hope you find the new version useful.

Ivan Petrovic
eFront Media, Inc.

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