transfer of pictures from SGI to PC or Mac

Malay curiouser at ccmb.ap.nic.in
Fri Sep 1 07:47:19 EST 2000

Problem is *Gamma*. Change the *gamma* correction. Keep it 1.2 to show it
more or less same on all platform.

Malay Kumar Basu
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Hyderabad 500007

Fax: (00-91)40-7171195
Phone: (00-91)40-7172241
Dime: a dollar with all the taxes taken out.
curiouser at ccmb.ap.nic.in

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carlos Ribeiro" <Carlos.Ribeiro at unibas.ch>
To: <bio-software at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 5:45 PM
Subject: transfer of pictures from SGI to PC or Mac

> Hello ppl.
> I have been using Imaris running on an SGI O2 machine to edit my
> confocal images. Now when I transfer them to our NT machines or Macs all
> the pix or movies generated on the O2 look very dark and seem to have
> lost all the contrast. I can compensate partially by adjusting the
> brightness and the contrast using Photoshop or a similar program. But
> this is not a solution. Does anyone have an idea what is going wrong and
> how I can change that?
> Saludos,
> Carlos Ribeiro
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Carlos Ribeiro
> ****************************************************
> Biozentrum of the University of Basel
> ****************************************************
> Quod sis esse velis.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------


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