In <007301c0136e$c0cf1120$7b02a8c0 at> curiouser at ("Malay") writes:
> >It's been ready for distribution at least 6 months (and was working OK well
> >over a year ago), but I don't actually know whether it's being distributed!
> >MRC does not wish us to distribute the Windows version ourselves, hence the
> >long delay. It should be available from third party distributor(s) -
> currently
> >only eBioInformatics.
>> Aha! Marketing Lawnmower mows the philosophical grass!!!! I am really
> interested now in the *philosophy*. Could you point me towards some doc
> about MRCs decision.
I don't think such a doc exists.
Anyway, it's not really entirely MRC's decision. The UK government puts
pressure on the research councils to commercialise anything they can, or at
least to promote commercial spin-offs and transfer of technology. Hence MRC is
really just towing the line.
I sometimes wonder if it'd be easier working on something which no-one would
be interested in :-)
Also, to be fair to MRC, I suspect that if we kicked up enough fuss they'd
change anyway.
James Bonfield (jkb at Tel: 01223 402499 Fax: 01223 213556
Medical Research Council - Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH, England.
Also see Staden Package WWW site at