ADAM InterActive Anatomy Student Edition $57

Genacad genacad at aol.com
Sat Apr 22 14:39:29 EST 2000

We offer the best prices on A.D.A.M. software to Students, Faculty and Staff of
recognized educational institutions -- K-12 to Higher Education. Academic ID
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Student Editions :

1. ADAM Practice Practical for Windows                                $49
2. ADAM Anatomy Practice Student Edn for Windows             $37
3. ADAM InterActive Anatomy Student Edn for Windows          $57
4. ADAM InterActive Physiology Module Nervous Windows       $41
5. ADAM InterActive Physiology Module Nervous II Windows    $41
6. ADAM InterActive Physiology Module Respiratory Windows  $41
7. ADAM InterActive Physiology Module Cardiovascular Win     $41
8. ADAM InterActive Physiology Module Muscular Windows     $41
9. ADAM InterActive Physiology Module Urinary for Windows   $41
10. ADAM InterActive Physiology Fluids & Elec. for Windows   $41
11. ADAM. Interactive Physiology 7-Pack for Windows           $134 **

(PA residents add 6% sales tax)

** The Interactive Physiology 5-Pack includes Cardiovascular, Muscular,
Respiratory, Nervous, Nervous II, Fluids & Electrolytes and Urinary modules.
This pack is intended for sale to students only. Faculty and staff members, or
educational institutions are not eligible to purchase this pack.

All products are full packs, and include manuals and registration.

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We also ship UPS COD -- COD charges of $5 per shipment would apply.

For more information, or to place an order, e-mail -- or contact --

Genesis Technologies Inc
Toll Free : 800-433-6326
Fax : 814-231-0371
E-Mail : sales at genesis-technologies.com
Web Site :  http://www.genesis-technologies.com 

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