repeat search

S.W. Rasmussen swr at crc.dk
Wed Apr 19 13:36:57 EST 2000

Dear Vladislav,

We have used DNATools to 'cluster' EST sequences (about 5,000) by first
making a searchable local database with formatdb (NCBI) and then using this
database to automatically search all 5,000 sequences against each other with
blastn. These tasks can be done batchwise in DT. This will at least tell you
which of your sequences that exhibit similarity. You can get DNATools at our
website which also contains an almost complete manual to the program.



Dr. scient. Soeren W. Rasmussen
Carlsberg Laboratory, Dept. of Yeast Genetics
10 Gl. Carlsbergvej, DK-2500, Copenhagen
phone:  +45 3327 5230   mail:  swr at crc.dk

DNATools sequencing software:

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