PCR software for IBM-PC

Andreas Becker beckera at mailer.uni-marburg.de
Fri Apr 14 08:58:32 EST 2000

We have something on:


Try it, it is old Dos, we are working on windows software,
but we are still prior to beta release.
If you have problems tell me.


On Wed, 05 Apr 2000 16:53:15 +0100, nospam at our.site wrote:

>This message has been posted by:  m.mitchell at REMOVE-THIS-TO-SENDicrf.icnet.uk (Mike Mitchell)
>I am interested in finding some software for DOS or Win95/98 that checks
>PCR primers against the traget sequence, and each other, much like Bill
>Engels' application Amplify for the Mac.
>Thanx in advance for your time and help.
>If you wish to email a response you'll need to use m.mitchell at icrf.icnet.uk
>as our news server has recently start to use spam protection measures.
>Michael Mitchell                 "Smoke me a kipper,
>User Support                  I'll be back for breakfast."
>Molecular Biology Software      Ace Rimmer, Test Pilot
>+44 (0)171 269 3115                BBC-TV Red Dwarf           ENFJ

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