Java or C++

Malay curiouser at ccmb.ap.nic.in
Wed Apr 12 14:15:00 EST 2000

Thanks Carl:

Thanks for your comment. I can make out C++ is the choice but I wonder why
there is no comment from Java supporters!

Where are you guys??? Get up and have a cup of *coffee* and join us in


> In case Oksanen's post has you questioning your rationale for learning
> C++ or Java (and I don't think it does - just in case), you shouldn't -
> your rationale is correct.  Perl is great at text handling, and
> terrible, even if you learn its (hideous, imnsho) objects, at the kinds
> of visualization programming you are describing.
> Between Java and C++, on my platform (the Mac) it's no contest: C++
> wins hands down because of the stability and maturity of the available
> libraries and because of performance; your platform may differ.
> HTH,
> --Carl


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