sequence analysis of 5'UTR - HELP

topalli at my-deja.com topalli at my-deja.com
Fri Apr 7 00:47:04 EST 2000


I have several kb of the 5' untranslated region of a gene.  Is there any
software out there that can do some preliminary analysis of this
sequence for me?  Is there any such resources in the Web.

Specifically I'd like to look for response elements, transcription factor
binding sites, TATA, CAAT boxes and the like.  It seems like a pretty
basic problem and a fairly mechanical process so I would be surprised if
there were not publicly available resources.

Presently I am looking for such things by hand but have found this method
to be unreliable, both because the bias of the observer (myself) possibly
tipping the results in one direction and my inability to search for all
such elements tipping results in the other.

I'd really appreciate the help as I am on a deadline to present my very
preliminary results.  Reply here and/or my regular email address at
ilir at gis.net.

Thanks a lot.

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