In article <37274e80.1561777 at>, butros at wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone had a good image of a 1D electrophoretic gel
> stained with Ethidium bromide, with DNA concentrations of the lanes
> noted, so I could possibly compare it to mine, and use it to calibrate
> imaging software like NIH IMage or Scion Image. (Run-on sentence).
> If so, could you post it here to the group if it would be no trouble.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can't you use an image from a molecular biology catalogue?
You'll also have the advantage that you can use a picture
of the same standards that you have used in your experiment.
Bernard P. Murray, PhD
Dept. Cell. Mol. Pharmacol., UCSF, San Francisco, USA