software for dirichlet polygons and Ripley's K?

Philippe Casgrain no.junk.casgrain at ere.umontreal.ca.invalid
Fri Apr 23 08:13:42 EST 1999

dgibson at plant.siu.edu ("David Gibson") wrote:

>Does anyone know of software that will use x,y, z coordinates to draw and
>analyze dirichlet (Thiessen, Voronii) polygons (tesselations), and will also
>calculate vales of Ripley's K(t)? Freeware would be nice


I don't know about Ripley's K(t), but we have a program called Links that
will generate tesselations from XY coordinates. It is part of 'The R
Package, version 3'. Version 4 is currently in development.


It is free, for the Macintosh. Details on how to make it work on other
OSes can be found at


Philippe Casgrain

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