where can I find "gb2fasta" for Digital Unix?

Avi Rosenberg avir at compugen.co.il
Mon Apr 5 02:53:43 EST 1999

Tim Cutts wrote:
> In article <7de96a$5qg$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>,  <gmei at my-dejanews.com> wrote:
> >Hi:
> >
> >I am looking for "gb2fasta" program running on Digital Unix platform. I have
> >downloaded a linux version from ftp://ulrec3.unil.ch but we have bought a new
> >Digital Alpha 4100 recently and I need to install that program. Or is there
> >any other similar program out there that I can use (on Digital Unix) to
> >convert Genbank files (downloaded from NCBI) to fasta format?
> >
> >If you reply, please also send a copy to zlmei at hotmail.com
> I use the following perl script.  I hope you find it useful.
> Regards,
> Tim.
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> local $/ = "\n//\n";
> while (<>)
> {
>   my ($id, $def, $acc, $sv, $title, $sequence);
>   my (@lines) = split(/\n/, $_);
>   chomp(@lines);
>   foreach my $line (@lines)
>   {
>     last if ($id && $acc && $def && $sv);
>     if ($line =~ /^LOCUS\s+(\S+)/)
>     {
>       $id = $1;
>     }
>     elsif ($line =~ /^DEFINITION\s+(.*)$/)
>     {
>       $def = $1;
>     }
>     elsif ($line =~ /^ACCESSION\s+(\S.*)$/)
>     {
>       $acc = $1;
>     }
>     elsif ($line =~ /^VERSION\s+(\S+)/)
>     {
>       $sv = $1;
>     }
>   }
>   next unless (($sequence) = m:.*\nORIGIN[^\n]+\s+(.*)//:s);
>   $sequence =~ tr/0-9//d;
>   $title = ">$id $acc ";
>   if ($sv) {
>     $title .= "($sv) ";
>   }
>   $title .= $def;
>   print &Fasta($title, 60, $sequence);
> }
> sub Fasta($$@)
> {
>   my $title = shift;
>   my $length = shift;
>   # If the length item is omitted, assume 60
>   unless ($length =~ /^\d+$/)
>   {
>     unshift(@_, $length);
>     $length = 60;
>   }
>   # If the caller forgot to put a > on the title, put one there.
>   unless ($title =~ /^>/)
>   {
>     $title = ">$title";
>   }
>   # Remove any newlines from the title
>   $title =~ tr/\n//d;
>   # Concatenate the input sequences
>   my $seq = join('', @_);
>   # Remove any whitespace
>   $seq =~ s/\s+//gs;
>   my ($i, $l, @result);
>   $l = length($seq);
>   push (@result, "$title\n");
>   # If the length asked for is zero, then output the sequence on one
>   # line.
>   if ($length > 0)
>   {
>     for ($i = 0; $i<$l; $i += $length)
>     {
>       push (@result, substr($seq, $i, $length), "\n");
>     }
>   }
>   else
>   {
>     push (@result, "$seq\n");
>   }
>   return join('', @result);
> }

Please note that the definition field might be more than one line
long, so you might want to modify your program a little to take
all of the lines that follow the DEFINITION line, and start with at
least two blanks (that is of course only if you want all the
definition of the entry, and not only the first line).

 Avi Yeshah Rosenberg                   "GCCGTAATCCGG"
 Compugen Ltd.                          Tel: +972-3-7658556
 72 Pinchas Rozen                       Fax: +972-3-7658555
 Tel-Aviv, 69512                        E-mail: avir at compugen.co.il
 Israel                                 WWW: http://www.cgen.com

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