Course in informatics at the Pasteur Institute

Wayne Bolton wbolton at arcbs.redcross.org.au
Mon Jun 29 19:46:39 EST 1998

Laurent Bloch wrote:
> Course in informatics offered at the Pasteur Institute.
> ======================================================
> In the series of courses offered at the Pasteur Institute, a course
> will be offered in informatics in biology. The next session will take
> place from the 4th of January to the 9th of April 1999. The course
> description is attached.
The course sounds very interesting, unfortunately I doubt my "train
station and menu"-level French would suffice. Are there any plans to run
the course in English, or does any one else know of anything similar for
a monolingual anglophone ?

Wayne Bolton

Virology Department
Australian Red Cross Blood Service NSW

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