EXCEL 7.0 Chart functions

Oliver Bader oliver_bader at public.uni-hamburg.de
Wed Jun 24 16:36:31 EST 1998

I think it's kind of cute, but how on earth is one supposed to stumble over that
freaky combination? Might just as well stick it if they hide it that much

John Mihic wrote:

> In article <3587975A.E3DFC7C4 at zedat.fu-berlin.de>, janni at zedat.fu-berlin.de
> says...
> <<snip>>
> >Using MS EXCEL 7.0 I'm analyzing statistical data. Those data shall be
> >If anybody knows a way to do this kind of graphics with EXCEL please,
> >please mail me immedeately... (I know lots of programms to do this stuff
> >but only EXCEL is what really would help me...)
> >Perhaps there is some Makro or an Add-in ?
> >
> Microsoft is too busy putting crap into their programs to actually add some
> useful and functional code once in a while.  If you've got Excel 97, try the
> following and you will be amazed at what Microsoft has stuck in the code you've
> got running in your computer. No wonder this stuff is called bloatware!
> (1) Start Excel 97 (on a PC) and open a new blank work sheet.
> (2) Press F5 and type X97:L97 in the "Reference" box, then click "OK".
> (3) Now hit the tab key once (you should end up in cell M97).
> (4) hold down "Ctrl" and "Shift" while clicking once on the "Chart Wizard"
> icon (the one at the top with the blue-yellow-red bar chart).
> Move your mouse and press the two mouse buttons. You can exit back to the
> program by pressing "Esc".
> Harmless fun you might say, but why the hell would you want all this useless
> extraneous code taking up space in your RAM and hard drive?
> John

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