Have you wasted lots of time looking for a sample you knew you had
received? Or spent ages sorting samples into order, so that you can
find them later?
Then Finder! is for you.
All you do is place your sample into a rack, then enter the sample
number into Finder! When you want to find the sample again, ask
Finder!, and it will tell you where it's stored. Brilliant, but simple.
Visit http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/jgw.computing/ to download a
function limited working program, including a quick start guide.
The latest unlimited version has :
* expanded capacity to store up to 100 samples in up to 999 racks,
i.e. up to 99,900 samples.
* revised data backup and restore options
* revised bar-code reader options
Contact JGW Computing by email at:
jgw.computing at zetnet.co.uk