ANNOUNCE: WWW Collaborative PDB viewer

Ted Goddard egoddar at emory.edu
Wed Jun 17 14:01:52 EST 1998

One of the first applications of the ToolSpace project at 
Emory University is a collaborative molecule viewer.  
This allows any number of people to work together on a shared
three-dimensional model.  They can be in the same room, 
across campus, or across the world (as long as they're on the 
internet).  Applications range from interactive learning to research

It's easy to use:

  1. Visit  http://mulder.mathcs.emory.edu/toolspace
     and create a space for you and your collaborators using the
     ToolSpace construction set.
  2. Inform your collaborators that the collaboration session has
     begun (perhaps by phone or email) and they can join from their
     respective web browsers with the construction set "List" link.

Once everyone has joined, molecules can be imported from anywhere on the
web (as long as they're in .pdb format, such as from
The structures can then be measured, positioned, and annotated in
various ways.
We suggest creating spaces that include: 
   Vector-measurable Molecule Importer
   Plane Dragger
   Vector Measurer
   Van der Waals Radii
tools for manipulating molecules and
   Space Chat
   Hilite Box
   Text Annotation
tools for general collaboration capabilities.  For an initial 
test session, we suggest simply using the Hilite Box or 
Molecule Importer with no other tools.

To use ToolSpace, you need: 
  1. Netscape (version for IE in development)
  2. a java-accessible VRML browser such as CosmoPlayer or WorldView

(It is possible to satisfy both of these requirements under MacOS 7.6,
Win95/NT, and IRIX.)

This is an ongoing research project, so we're very interested in your
feedback, in terms of bug reports, feature requests, and general

Ted Goddard
goddard at mathcs.emory.edu

Collaborative Computing Frameworks
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

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