[apologies for possible multiple copies]
April 11-14, 1999
Lyon, France
Organized by INRIA
(The French National Institute for Research
in Computer Science and Control)
Sponsored by
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) - SIGACT
with support from
SLOAN Foundation
US Department of Energy
Smith Kline Beecham
The Third Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular
Biology (RECOMB 99), sponsored by the Association for Computing
Machinery Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory
(ACM-SIGACT) with support from the SLOAN Foundation, US Department of
Energy and Smith Kline Beecham, will be organized by INRIA in Lyon,
France, April 11-14, 1999.
Papers reporting on original research (both theoretical and experimental)
in all areas of computational molecular biology are sought, including
surveys of important recent results/directions.
Typical but not exclusive topics of interest include:
- Genomics,
- Molecular sequence analysis,
- Recognition of genes and regulatory elements,
- Molecular evolution,
- Protein structure,
- Combinatorial libraries and drug design.
Authors are requested to send 10 copies (preferably two sided copies)
of a detailed extended abstract (5-10 pages) to:
Dr. Sorin Istrail
RECOMB 99 Program Chair
Sandia National Laboratories
Applied Mathematics Department
MS 1110
Albuquerque, NM 87185-5800
An abstract must be received by October 9, 1998. This is a firm
deadline. Simultaneous submission to another conference or journal is
The extended abstracts for the Conference will be published by ACM
Press and will be available at the Conference. A selection of the
accepted extended abstracts in their final journal versions will be
invited to appear in a special issue of the Journal of Computational
Biology devoted to RECOMB 99.
The conference submissions will be refereed by the program committee.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by a letter mailed
on or before December 5, 1998. A final copy of each accepted paper is
required by January 6, 1999. An author of each accepted paper is
expected to attend the Symposium and present the paper; otherwise
alternative arrangements should be made to have the paper presented.
An abstract should start with a succinct statement of the problem, the
results achieved, their significance and a comparison with previous
work. This material should be understandable to nonspecialists. A
technical exposition directed to the specialist should follow. The
length, excluding cover page and bibliography, should not exceed 10
pages. The manuscript should be easy to read, preferably using 11
point font size on U.S. standard 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. If authors
believe that more details are necessary to substantiate the claims of
the paper, they may include a clearly marked appendix. An E-mail
address for the contact author should be included.
RECOMB 99 will feature 9 invited lectures (to be announced later) including
the following conference events:
- The Stanislaw Ulam Memorial Computational Biology Address:
awarded by RECOMB to a scientist who has made major contributions in the
computational aspects of the field.
- The Distinguished Biology Lecture:
awarded by RECOMB to a scientist who has made major contributions in the
biological aspects of the field.
- The Distinguished New Technologies Lecture:
describing emerging, new technologies.
- Best Paper by a Young Scientist Award:
This award will be given to the best paper written solely by one or more
recent graduates or students. An abstract is eligible if all authors are
recent graduates (within 3 years from Ph.D.) or full-time students at the
time of submission. This should be indicated in the submission letter. The
program committee may decline to make the award or may split it among
several papers.
Deadline for reception of papers: October 9th, 1998
Notification of acceptation/rejection: December 5th, 1998
Deadline for reception of final papers: January 6th, 1999
Sorin Istrail, RECOMB General Vice-Chair (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Richard Karp (University of Washington, USA)
Thomas Lengauer (GMD-SCAI, Germany)
Pavel Pevzner, RECOMB General Chair (University of Southern California, USA)
Ron Shamir (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Michael Waterman, RECOMB General Chair (University of Southern California, USA)
Stephen Altschul (NCBI, NIH, USA)
Alberto Apostolico (University of Padova, Italy)
Gary Benson (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA)
David Botstein (Stanford University, USA)
Ken Dill (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Sorin Istrail, Program Committee Chair (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Tao Jiang (McMaster University, Canada)
Richard Karp (University of Washington, USA)
John Kececioglou (University of Georgia, USA)
Richard Lathrop (University of California Irvine, USA)
Thomas Lengauer (GMD-SCAI, Germany)
Arthur Lesk (Univeristy of Cambridge, England)
Michael Levitt (Stanford University, USA)
Pavel Pevzner (University of Southern California, USA)
Mireille Regnier (INRIA, France)
Rich Roberts (New England Biolabs, USA)
Chris Sander (Millenium Pharmaceutical, USA)
Miyano Satoru (Tokyo University, Japan)
Ron Shamir (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Jeffrey Skolnick (The Scripps Research Institute, USA)
Donna Slonim (Whitehead Institute, USA)
Terry Speed (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Michael Waterman (University of Southern California, USA)
Florence Balax (INRIA, France)
Daniel Kahn (INRA, France)
Gregory Kucherov, Publicity Chair (INRIA, France)
Mireille Regnier, Organizing Committee Chair (INRIA, France)
Sophie Schbath (INRA, France)
Annick Theis-Viemont (INRIA, France)
INRIA Rocquencourt
Relations Exterieures
BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay, France
Phone: +33 1 39 63 50 53
Fax: +33 1 39 63 56 38
email : symposia at inria.frhttp://www.inria.fr/RECOMB99/