large DNA sequences --> smaller overlapping sequences

Thomas Sicheritz Thomas.Sicheritz at molbio.uu.se
Fri Jun 12 01:57:29 EST 1998

kappe at caos.kun.nl (kappe) writes:

> Does anybody know of a program to split up a large DNA-sequence file
> (4 Mb) into smaller files/sequences of 200 kb with 10 kb overlap?

STADEN has a program called splitseq

or if you have tcl8.x installed you can use the atteched tcl script
save it as splitseq.tcl
on a UNIX machine use it as:
seqsplit.tcl M.tuberculosis.fas -size 200000 -overlap 10000 > M.tuberculosis_splitted
( the infile has to be in FASTA format)

(the script is also available at Molecular Tcl at
section: Tcl code fragments for sequence analysis )

good luck

------ SCHNIPP ------ SCHNAPP ------ SCHNIPP ------ SCHNAPP ------ 
# The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
exec tclsh $0 ${1+"$@"}

# Created: Fri Jun 12 08:21:20 1998
# Last changed: Time-stamp: <98/06/12 08:46:34 thomas>
# File: splitseq.tcl
# Usage splitseq.tcl -help

package require opt
::tcl::OptProc checkopts {
	{file "FASTA file"}
	{-size    1000            "split size in bp"}
	{-overlap  100 "overlap in bp"}
} {
    foreach i [info locals] {
	if {$i=="args" || $i=="Args"} continue
	set ::data($i) [ set $i]
if {[catch {eval checkopts $argv} msg]} { puts stderr $msg; exit}

set fid [ open $data(file) r]
gets $fid line
if { [ regexp "^>\[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" $line name]==0} {
    puts stderr "no valid FASTA file"
if { $data(overlap)>=$data(size) } { puts stderr "wrong overlap value"; exit }
set seq {}
puts -nonewline stderr  "reading sequence from $data(file)"
while { [gets $fid line]>=0 } {
    append seq $line
regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z*-]} $seq {} seq
set length [ string length $seq]
puts stderr "\n\n\nlength: $length"

set diff [ expr $data(size) - $data(overlap)]
puts stderr "splitting in $data(size) with $data(overlap) overlap"
set to 0
for { set from 0} {$to<$length} {incr from $diff} {
    set to [ expr $from + $data(size) -1]
    set subseq [ string range $seq $from $to]
    puts "$name:[ expr $from+1]:[ expr $to+1]"
    regsub -all "............................................................" \
	$subseq \&\n subseq
    puts $subseq


------ SCHNIPP ------ SCHNAPP ------ SCHNIPP ------ SCHNAPP ------ 

Sicheritz Ponten Thomas E.  Department of Molecular Biology
Biomedical Center           Uppsala University
BMC:  +46 18 4714214        BOX 590 S-751 24 UPPSALA Sweden
Fax   +46 18  557723        http://evolution.bmc.uu.se/~thomas
Molecular Tcl:   http://evolution.bmc.uu.se/~thomas/tcl
Molecular Linux: http://evolution.bmc.uu.se/~thomas/mol_linux
	De Chelonian Mobile ... The Turtle Moves ...

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