CDS parse software for UNIX - is something available?

Alexander Kanapin alex at eva
Thu Jun 4 03:11:31 EST 1998


I am looking for softwrare (source code) for simple parsing of GenBank 
CDS field. Does anybody know about such tools? I need some kind of 
automatic splicing - to read CDS data and produse new sequence string 
according to CDS coordinates of coding regions from entry sequence.

Many thanks in advance for any informytion about the problem.


Alexander Kanapin, PhD                         alex at hki-jena.de
Hans-Knoell-Institut fuer Naturstoff-Forschung
Beutenbergstrasse 11, Jena                Tel.: +49-3641-65-6689
Postfach 100 813, D-07708 Jena, Germany   Fax: +49-3641-609818

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