Florida; Sr. Software Engineer; NT, C++, DICOM, Imaging

richard_steinman at cmagroup.com richard_steinman at cmagroup.com
Wed Jun 3 18:26:01 EST 1998

SE Florida; Sr. Software Engineer; NT, C++, DICOM, Imaging

-Senior Software Engineer
-Southeast Florida Coastal
-Salaried, Full-Time, Excellent Benefits 
(Relocation Assistance Available)

Medical DICOM knowledge would be a major plus. Experience with C/C++ and 
NT required. Image manipulation, compression, edge detection, analysis, 
all good things to have. 

Please refer to JO# 5253RJS in your response.

richard_steinman at cmagroup.com 

Richard Steinman
Team Leader
rjs at cmagroup.com
IT & Software Solutions Team
Career Marketing Associates

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