Just to clarify, version 1.5.3 is PPC native (and '040/'fat'). The
install disks are somewhere in a deep pile so I can't yet check whether
it's a 'fat' installer (I only have an '040 at home . . . )-: )
In article <6kjcka$nde at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, Peter Kulmburg
<kulmburg at aug.ukl.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
: Dear collegues,
:: I have heard that an update for CA-CricketGraph for Macintosh exists. I am
: using version 1.5.2 and would like to see what is better in 1.5.3. I am a
: registerd user. Where could I get the update?
:: Thank you for your help in advance!
:: Sincerely Peter Kulmburg
: Peter KULMBURG at home Tel./Fax:+33 3
: at work: Tel.: +49 761 270/7208 or 7207 Fax: /7217
Richard P. Grant MA DPhil | rgrant at cmtech.co.uk
Senior R&D Scientist | work: http://www.cmtech.co.uk/
Cambridge Molecular | home: http://www.avnet.co.uk/adastra
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