Anti-Freezing Software

Robert Vosweide hongli at tref.nl
Mon Jun 1 05:00:09 EST 1998

> What's the difference between a big freeze and a little freeze?
> Or a big freeze and a *very* big freeze?
> Cheers,
> 	Nat.
> -- 
> +------------------------------------------+---------------------+
> | Name:   Nat Pryce MEng ACGI              | Dept. of Computing, |
> | Email:  np2 at doc.ic.ac.uk                 | Imperial College,   |
> | Tel:    +44 (0)171 594 8394              | 180 Queen's Gate,   |
> | Fax:    +44 (0)171 581 8024              | London SW7 2BZ,     |
> | WWW:    http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/~np2 | United Kingdom      |
> +------------------------------------------+---------------------+

A big freeze is a freeze in Kernel32.dll or VxDs.
CrashGuard detects every type of crash.
However, it does not catch all crashes that occur in KERNEL32.DLL, VxDs,
and certain device drivers.

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