amartin at (Andrew Martin) writes:
BTW, I would think that you should be able to get an Alpha box for
much less than $6000-8000, even with a gig of ram. 3-4 would be more
> Dave Kristofferson (kristoff at NET.BIO.NET) wrote:
>> : I'm thinking about setting up an in-house BLAST server on a limited
> : budget and was wondering what kind of performance people are getting
> : out of Linux machines these days. I've received some attractive
> : quotes on 600 MHz Alpha and dual 450 MHz Pentium II systems with 1 GB
> : of RAM in the $6,000 - $8,000 range. I'd be interested in hearing
> : people's experiences with similar systems.
Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - siemers at