database for molecular biology

Jones, William bill.jones at CADUS.COM
Mon Dec 14 21:48:18 EST 1998

I would strongly suggest using Oracle.  They have (by far) the most stable
platform and the largest install base.  To present your data to the web, an
excellent tool (and relatively easy to setup) is a product called Jbuilder
from Inprise (formerly Borland Int'l) or a more 'corporate' centered tool
like 'SilverStream'.  If you're a fairly small group, I'd go with Jbuilder.

William Jones					Tel: 914 467 6295
Bioinformatics					Fax: 914 467 3565
Cadus Pharmaceutical Corporation		E.mail: bill.jones at cadus.com
<mailto:bill.jones at cadus.com> 
Tarrytown, NY 10591

	-----Original Message-----
	Sent:	Monday, December 14, 1998 7:54 PM
	To:	bio-soft at net.bio.net
	Subject:	database for molecular biology

	Greetings from South Korea

	We are planning to construct several biological databases such as
DNA and
	protein database and genetic stock database in South Korea.
	However, we do not have experience to construct such a system, we do
	know which DBMS is proper for our purpose.
	 I heard that Informix introduced object-oriented concept which
widely used
	in current biological database and oracle is the most stable.
	So I wish to hear your opinion to select proper DBMS.

	Thanks in advance,

	Yang-Suk Kim, PH.D.
	Biological Research Information Center
	Pohang, South Korea


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