Parallel CLUSTALW for SGI

Francois Jeanmougin pingouin at crystal.u-strasbg.fr
Fri Dec 11 03:34:14 EST 1998

In article <366EBDC0.446B at columbus.sgi.com>,
	Haruna Cofer <haruna at columbus.sgi.com> writes:

> Please note that our parallelized CLUSTALW incorporates a bug 
> fix for a memory access bug in the original CLUSTALW distribution, 
> so the scores and alignments you get with our parallelized CLUSTALW 
> may be different from those you get with the original CLUSTALW.  
> This bug has been reported to the authors of CLUSTALW, and more
> information about this bug is available on the Known Problems & 
> Fixes page for CLUSTALW:
>  http://www.sgi.com/chembio/resources/clustalw/problems_and_fixes.html

	In fact, this bug does just affect the scores of some alignments and
should not the accuracy of the alignment. In fact, this is fixed in the 1.65b
version of ClustalX. Will be incorporated as soon as possible in

	Thanks for this bug fix and for the SGI parallel version.

François Jeanmougin     | groupe de bioinformatique / bioinformatics groupe
tel:(+33) 3 88 65 32 71 | IGBMC BP 163 67404 Illkirch France

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