Parallel CLUSTALW for SGI

Haruna Cofer haruna at columbus.sgi.com
Wed Dec 9 13:13:20 EST 1998


I just wanted to let everyone know that Silicon Graphics has
parallelized CLUSTALW 1.74 for SGI systems running IRIX 6.2 and 
higher.  It is freely available for download from this site:


Also available on this site is more information on running 
CLUSTALW on SGI systems, including a General FAQ List, 
Technical FAQ List, Porting Notes, and a Known Problems and 
Fixes page.  You may also be interested in our Bioinformatics 
Benchmark Report, which has performance information on FASTA, 
BLAST (including High Throughput BLAST, which is a modification 
of the original versions of BLAST, designed to run efficiently 
in a high throughput environment), and now CLUSTALW:


Please note that our parallelized CLUSTALW incorporates a bug 
fix for a memory access bug in the original CLUSTALW distribution, 
so the scores and alignments you get with our parallelized CLUSTALW 
may be different from those you get with the original CLUSTALW.  
This bug has been reported to the authors of CLUSTALW, and more
information about this bug is available on the Known Problems & 
Fixes page for CLUSTALW:


Thanks, and please do let me know if you have any questions!

-- Haruna  :)


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