clustal IS y2k compliant.

Andrew Dalke dalke at bioreason.com
Tue Dec 8 15:45:06 EST 1998

Peter Rice <pmr at sanger.ac.uk> mentioned:
> Come to think of it - what does a "millenium countdown clock"
> show when Y2K does arrive? Reset to a Y3K countdown perhaps?

Perhaps there should be a more generic 
"problem with dates"
clock.  There's a list of the hyped date errors somewhere I
saw.  Among others they include:

  Feb 29th does exist in 2000
  Jan. 19th, 2038 contains second (32 bit) MAXINT under C/unix
    (start of "epoch 1")

Or even more generic, "problems with fixed field widths" like
the estimated year:

  we run out of PDB identifiers (2004)
  the US runs out of 10 digit phone numbers (2015??)

Don't think the PDB one is likely to be on a mass market product :)

						dalke at bioreason.com

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