Conference on Lead Optimization

Jennifer Laakso jlaakso at healthtech.com
Tue Dec 8 18:06:18 EST 1998

We would like to bring to your attention a conference that may be of
interest to your group.

"Smarter LEAD OPTIMIZATION:  Easing the Bottleneck", San Diego,CA, March
18-19, 1999.

Session Topics Include:

Lead Prioritization and Selection
Gene-Based Approaches
Optimization and ADME
Putting It All Together

Early Registration (by January 8, 1999)
Commercial =$795 Academic =$345

Advance Registration (by February 5, 1999)
Commercial =$845 Academic =$395

On-site or Late Registration
Commercial =$945 Academic =$445

For more information please contact:

Cambridge Healthtech Institute
1037 Chestnut St.
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02464

PH: 617-630-1300 - FAX: 617-630-1325 - EMAIL: chi at healthtech.com
WEB: www.healthtech.com

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