Pfam release 3.3

Ewan Birney birney at sanger.ac.uk
Mon Dec 7 14:31:41 EST 1998

                ANNOUNCING PFAM RELEASE 3.3

Pfam is a collection of protein domain family alignments which were
constructed semi-automatically using profile hidden Markov models.
Pfam families contain functional annotation and cross-references to
other databases.  Query sequences can be searched against the Pfam
library of profile hidden Markov models at the web sites below.

Pfam 3.3 contains 1390 families.  57% of proteins in SWISSPROT 35
and TrEMBL 5 have at least one match to a Pfam family.

The changes between Pfam release 3.3 and Pfam release 3.2 are:

         46 new families have been added.

For interactive access and searching see URLs


The release is also available in flat file by anonymous ftp:


The Pfam HMM library is compatible with HMMER2 software, available

The Pfam consortium
December 1998

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