hardware question

Gerard Tromp tromp at sanger.med.wayne.edu
Wed Dec 2 11:04:52 EST 1998

	it is not genetic algorithms. There was an experiment several years ago
using DNA to solve combinatorial problems such as the travelling
salesman problem (NP complete). I don't remember the details and vaguely
recall that it was discussed (if not reported in an article) in Science
at the time. It did appear to have promise although the implementation
was more than cumbersome.

SideshowBob wrote:
> I'm not sure what a DNA computer is, but maybe you're talking about Genetic
> Algorithms?
> Fibinachi wrote in message <19981130194715.03655.00000454 at ng30.aol.com>...
> >Exactly how does a DNA computer work?
> >Please make it as simple as possible i got my degree in computer sciences
> not
> >biology.

Gerard Tromp, Ph.D.
CMMG, Wayne State University    vox:	313-577-8773
3116, Scott Hall		fax: 	313-577-5218
540 E Canfield Ave		e-mail: tromp at sanger.med.wayne.edu
Detroit, MI 48201                       gtromp at cmb.biosci.wayne.edu

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