NetSpy permits to supervise the task on the remote PC.
It is useful tool for manager to see what the personnel is doing during the
work time.
NetSpy work in Win NT 4.x or Windows 95 (98) netowrk environment
using TCP/IP.
NetSpy consistes of 2parts - server (NetSpyS) and client (Raposa).
The NetSpyS runs as minimized window. It is Gui application
Default TCP/IP port number is 79 for connection with client (Raposa).
(In demo version NetSpyS presents advetizing string read fron the host
UACT.NET. In this state NetSpyS is Always-on-top window)
It ispossible to use other port number,creating specila NetSpy.INI file and
put this file into the Windows directory. This file should have the following contents:
Port = 99
for port number 99 for example.
Client Raposa is console Windows application.
It should be started from virtual DOS (DOS-PROMT) by typing the following command
>Raposa network_remote_computer_name/IP__remote_computer [port_number]
By default the port number is 79 (Finger TCP/IP port - 79).
Port number should be the same as used by NetspyS.
Example of Raposa stating:
C:\WINNT40>raposa 99
If connection was succesful the client Raposa would present the list
of tasks on the remote compute, for example:
E:\DOWN>a:\netspy\raposa 80
NetSpy Client Part. Questions: fax_na at
Connected to [].
Conneted to the NetSpy Server
Host Name: gwork_a
The current date and time are: Fri Oct 16 20:15:20 1998
Task Report
1. Mimimized NoZoomed Name: NetSpy Server Part
2. NoMimimized NoZoomed Name: NetDDE Agent
3. NoMimimized NoZoomed Name: Shortcut to cmd - a:\netspy\raposa 80
4. NoMimimized NoZoomed Name: Battery Meter
5. NoMimimized NoZoomed Name: OleMainThreadWndName
6. NoMimimized NoZoomed Name: Program Manager
If you want to receive the sources of NetSpy or not-demo version
(without demo string) please write to:
fax_na at